+91 74839 79190
Admissions for 2025-26 is now OPEN!
Admissions for 2024-25 is now OPEN!
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Agastya Gurukulam is a 501(c)3 certified non-profit organization. Your contributions are tax-deductible and probably will be matched by your employer also. May we request you to encourage your friends and others in your circle to contribute towards the Samskritam movement by sending them this short link? https://www.agastyagurukulam.org/donate/. In addition, please send this announcement in your social media and be a proud supporter of Agastya Gurukulam.
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Agastya Gurukulam's mission is to make decolonized indic education widely available. Through Samskritam- and Shastra-based education the Gurukulam nurtures a future generation that will:
Be proud of its Bharateeya roots and heritage
Have first hand knowledge of Bharateeya traditional knowledge systems to articulate the true civilizational grand narrative and counter false narratives
Leverage this knowledge to come up with path-breaking solutions to the problems currently facing humanity.

Your donations  will help:

Develop and enhance Shastra based curriculum for modern education
Train teachers who are fluent in Samskritam, literature and Shastric knowledge
Revive and spread the traditional Bharateeya Shiksha Paddhati and make it accessible to every seeking child
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Listen to the Agastya Gurukulam students in "The Agastya Hour" on Saturdays, 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm EST - Radio NYRA
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Agastya Gurukulam provides a groundbreaking online and offline program in India, anchored in the ancient wisdom of Samskritam and Shastra. Our experienced mentors are committed to developing well-rounded individuals and deepening their connection with India’s rich heritage and nature.
© 2025 Agastya Gurukulam