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Two kids are playing with cards on the bed
A home banner separator image


Holistic Indian Learning for 6-11 Year Olds

A decorative design

Introducing Jignasa, a three-level learning program designed specifically for children aged 6-11. It is a year-round program rooted in Indian culture, traditions, and values. As children progress through each level (L1, L2, L3, L4), they will learn the beauty of Samskritam, the wisdom of the Shastras, the rich history of Bharateeya Ithihasa, and the intricacies of Ganitam.

An indian holistic boy writing in happy mode

Let your child embark on this enriching journey while embracing the vibrant tapestry of Indian festivals and practices. Our Jignasa syllabus comprises:

  • Samskritam language - Reading, Sabhashanam, and Writing
  • Basic geography and history of India, its cultural and intellectual contributions.
  • Indian Mathematics from Shastras such as Bhaskaracharya’s Leelavati, and Aryabhattiyam.
  • The memorisation of Grammar treatises (Ashtaadhyayi& Amarakosha)

Jignasa - Equipping Your Child for Life

Combining traditionally-rooted knowledge with modern educational methods for a fulfilling academic experience.
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Jignasa - 4 Levels

A decorative design
Jignasa L1
Jignasa L2
Jignasa L3
Jignasa L4
A decorative design of person meditating under the tree
Kanthastheekaranam (Memorisation)
A stylish ohm design
A decorative design of counting mala beads
Indian History (Itihasa)
Know More about Jignasa L1
An icon of person meditating under the tree
Kanthastheekaranam (Memorisation)
ohm icon
Vector image of  study material
A decorative icon of an open book within a leaf
Indian History (Itihasa)
Know More about Jignasa L2
A stylish design
Kanthastheekaranam (Memorisation)
A decorative icon of ohm in different pattern
Vector art of Mathematics symbol
History book icon
Indian History (Itihasa)
Know More about Jignasa L3
A stylish ohm design
Samskritam Sambhashanam
Vector image of study material
Open history book vector icon
Know More about Jignasa L4
Upakramah Section Divider image

Programs Time & Duration

A decorative design
Days: Monday to Friday
Time: 5 days a week
Duration: 45 Mins / 1 Hr (Based on Level)

Enlighten With Jignasa L1

Get started with Jignasa by registering your child for our Jignasa L1 program as soon as possible.
Register Now
Beside the pond, two kids sitting outside and learning Vedas
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A decorative paint patchA decorative iconA decorative icon
Logo of Agastya Gurukulam.
Agastya Gurukulam provides a groundbreaking online and offline program in India, anchored in the ancient wisdom of Samskritam and Shastra. Our experienced mentors are committed to developing well-rounded individuals and deepening their connection with India’s rich heritage and nature.
© 2025 Agastya Gurukulam